at sixteen i told myself by my mid-twenties i wanted to have a career and be married with two children. now, at twenty five, i'm just praying my card isn't declined at target.

Life is a Stairway

Love. There's an app for that. No seriously, there is an app for that. In fact there are many apps for it. Food. There are tons of apps for that. There are apps that can start your car and lock your front door. With all the apps around, where is the one for happiness? Where is the app where you press a button and everything you want/need suddenly appears. 

The old adage goes: "The elevator to success is broken, take the stairs." It's true, we all know it. I already wrote a post about safety nets and the risks we have to take in life. (I tried to make a clickable link post right here but I am not tech savvy so scroll back if you feel somewhat inclined.) The stairs are rough. Seriously. Have you ever spent some quality time at the Stairmaster? That shit is ROUGH. 

Those are your twenties though. I look at all my friends who are either climbing, taking a breath on a landing, skipping steps, and some are falling back down a few. We no longer can rely on the cute "I just got out of college freedom" to keep us warm at night. 

We have to find the joy in the process. That’s what life is about, but your twenties are really where it hits you.  

I’ve taken some steps towards my goals. I’m steadily climbing, I tripped a couple times, and maybe I’ll trip some more. Who knows? Maybe I’ll almost make it to the top, and then fall right back down to the bottom.  

However, worrying about that isn’t my job. My job is to get back up, dust myself off, and climb those steps until there are none left. Or until my knee gives out. I am getting older you know. 

Green Grass

Change Clothes, Twenties Go