I've never liked flying. However, lately I can't stop watching the planes in the sky. Where are these people going? Will they come back? Why are they leaving?
Can I go too?
For the first time in my life, I have wanted to be on a big hunk of metal climbing into the sky. That's the thing, I've been watching the ascent of each plane. I see the plane until I can't any longer. It's thrilling. I wonder what it's like up in the sky. Nothing to hold you back, not even yourself. I wonder about all the places the plane passes over. Why don't they stop in those places? Planes have that exact location they have to land, but what would happen if they took a little detour? I mean the sky's the limit right?
I wonder what would happen if I just dropped everything and got on one of those planes. Where would I go? Could I go?
What's stopping me?